The community we want to live in is ours to build.
It’s my mantra. Words I wrote down in 2015 that I come back to daily. The community we want to live in is ours to build. Community became a center piece to my life. It’s the work I do helping brands develop their community ecosystem. It’s the core of the book I’m writing through a grant with Lululemon coming Winter 2021. It’s how I coach my runners, not just focused on the mile you’re in but the world you’re running through. It’s how I move through this world, greeting strangers, inviting neighbors over for dinner and showing up for those I love.
The book.
Sign up for early release information on my upcoming book, coming Winter 2021.

About Me
I’m erin.
I’m writing a book.
I help brands build community ecosystems.
I coach athletes to reach their goals.
I model for my favorite fitness brands.
I eat a lot of ice cream along the way.
And often enjoy nights at home with my two ginger kitties.
Thank you for being here. I’m so glad you are.