Check-in: 9 Weeks Out!
Today I am officially 9 weeks out from my first bikini fitness competition. It's really exciting and mostly still scary but I'm feeling more and more ready everyday. I'm still on the 2100 calorie diet plan which has meant I've bene stuffing my face with carbs (good carbs though, not the delicious ones). It's tough eating 230grams of carbs a day! I'm at a midpoint right now in my training, but just about to start "cutting" for my diet. So below I wanted to include a beginning point for my measurements and body fat percentage, and of course a few pics!
Body Fat: 14.6%
BMI: 20
Measurements (in inches):
Arm: 9.5
Forearm: 9
Waist: 26.75
Abdominal: 28.5
Hip: 37
Thigh: 21.5
Calf: 14
It was an arm day...
and my triceps are definitely my weakest muscle....probably overall
Wooo! Love seeing my back progress, you don't see your back often so it's always like a surprise when I see gains there!
Classic ab shot.
So 9 weeks out, it's crunch time! I'm lucky that I naturally have a high metabolism thus I carry a lean frame. I haven't had to start "cutting" yet but that will start next week. No more sugar, dairy or alcohol. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing this to challenge myself, to better myself.
These fabulous pants I got courtesy of Liquido Active :)