Are we good enough people?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately if I’m a good enough person. And mostly trying to understand what good enough means for me. There’s a lot I don’t know and understand about this world.
Am I doing enough to learn and try and better understand what I don’t know?
There’s a lot of life that’s been easy to me because of my white privilege. And with that, a lot I accept as normal, because it is my normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s everyones.
Am I doing enough to help those that weren’t gifted that like I was.
Am I doing anything to help those that weren’t gifted that like I was.
I’ve felt a lot of heaviness this week. Am I proud of the person I am? Most of the time. But most of the time I live in my bubble. And I support my bubble. And I show up and love my bubble. But that’s the easy part.
Have I done enough to support those not in my bubble?
Have I done enough to welcome others into my bubble?
Have I done enough to get out and experience things and people not in my bubble?
In the fitness world we talk a lot about getting uncomfortable. Challenging our bodies to do things they’re resisting. But honestly, for me that’s an easy challenge.
On my public platforms I talk a lot about asking for things in our careers, and flexing that ask muscle to improve and demand more. And that for me, well that’s my home zone.
My word for 2020 is courage, because although on the outside it might seem like I’ve taken a lot of courageous steps, to me and my heart, it doesn’t feel like I’ve done enough. I know I’m capable of more.
I share this with a heavy heart because we’re allowed to be disappointed in ourselves. We should challenge ourselves. We shouldn’t always give ourselves a break that we’re doing the best we can… because are we really? Are we really doing the best we can to create the world we want to live in.
Are we good enough people?
Much of the social world and magazine world have us believing we need more self care. Don’t we do enough for ourselves? Don’t we think about ourselves enough? What about other care? What are we doing to care for others?
It’s easy to condemn gun violence with an Instagram story of sadness and prayers. But are we calling our government representatives and challenging them to create change?
It’s easy to say we support Black Lives Matter. But when was the last time we walked into a room that wasn’t predominantly white?
It’s easy to say we love our neighbors. But do we even know our neighbors name?
What are we doing to actually create the world we want to live in?
What are we doing to actually become good people?
What does a good person look like?
Is that what we are?
Are we doing enough?
Are we good enough people?